Item Details
ID: 35180830
Make: Suzuki
Type: New
Year: 2025
Model: V-Strom
Class: M
Engine: Array
Freight: 575
Chassis: Array
Codename: V-STROM 800 TOURING
Features: Array
Model Code: DL800RQAM5
Drive Train: Array
Electronics: Array
Titlestatus: CLEAN
Unitcondition: EXCELLENT
Main Properties: Array
Item Description
All Roads Merge
The V-STROM 800 combines optimum performance with comfort and handling ease that make even the longest rides all the more enjoyable. Highly controllable and agile, it is also fun and practical in daily use around town. As capable on the highway as it is on back roads and country trails, the V-STROM 800 gives you the freedom to choose your own path. It is your all-access pass to adventure riding.
Stock Number :MN-DL800RQAM5-APR