Item Details
ID: 35067992
Make: Emmo
Type: New
Year: 2023
Model: E-Mini Pro 2.0
Class: EL
Labor: Array
Freight: 100
Codename: Folding E-Bike - No Rebate
Features: Array
Geometry: Array
Model Code: E-Mini Pro 2.0 - 48V/21Ah Li
Titlestatus: CLEAN
Unitcondition: EXCELLENT
Numberofwheels: 2
Main Properties: Array
Source Dealer Info: Array
Item Description
Stock Number :E-074
Compact Foldable Electric Bike
Folded and unfolded in 15 seconds, the E-Mini and F7 encompass the design of accessibility and flexibility. Light, compact, adjustable, they are suitable for riders of all levels. Storage and transportation will never be a problem as it is just as big as a suitcase when collapsed.