Item Details
ID: 25484502
Make: Honda
Type: New
Year: 2023
Model: CRF450RL
Class: M
Freight: 585
Codename: CRF450 DUAL SPORT
Model Code: CRF450RLP
Titlestatus: CLEAN
Unitcondition: EXCELLENT
Main Properties: Array
Item Description
True Street-Legal Dirt Bike
The CRF450RL uses the CRF450R motocrosser as a starting point, then adds everything required to make it fully road-worthy. From the CRF450R base, the frame was made slightly wider to allow for the 6-speed transmission, the engine was tuned for smoother power delivery, and the suspension and brakes were modified to make the bike more user friendly on tight trails and on the road.
Stock Number :MN00011