Item Details
ID: 16769907
Make: Joskin
Type: New
Year: 2025
Milleage: km
Models: Array
Features: Array
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Item Description
Ferti-Space 2 Horizon - Wide body for wide spreading width!
Volume (m³)
14 → 26
Double axle
Triple axle
Spreading Table |
General Points
The Ferti-Space2 Horizon is the flagship product of the range of JOSKIN manure spreaders with wide body and spreading table. Their basic concept is based on the Ferti-Space2 with vertical beaters and has the same basic principles: lightness, sturdiness and easy maintenance. Both durable and extremely maneuverable, the Ferti-Space2 also proves to be economical, both from a budgetary and energy point of view. Thanks to the wide body with bolted spreading table, it can be converted into a silage trailer. In short: a real multi-talent in XL version!
Stock Number :C25